Apply for a payment arrangement
Please think carefully about your options.
If you’d like help, contact your local Community Legal Centre or financial counsellor.
If you have received a Notice of Final Demand or an Enforcement Warrant and are having trouble paying your fine on time, you can ask to pay in instalments or to extend the time to pay. This is called a ‘payment arrangement’. You may be given a payment arrangement, or your application may be rejected.
- you are having trouble paying on time
- and you will be able to pay in smaller instalments
Stick to your order
If you are given a payment arrangement, you need to stick to it. If you don't pay on time, there may be penalties, such as extra costs
How to apply
To pay Notices of Final Demand or Enforcement Warrants by instalments, you will need to apply to Fines Victoria for a Payment Arrangement.
Fines Victoria has guidelines about when they will make a Payment Arrangement.
If you owe more than $10,000 in fines, have not kept up payments on a previous payment arrangement, or sanctions have been imposed on your licence your application might be refused.
If you application is refused, it is best to get free help from a financial counsellor or free legal advice from your local Community Legal Centre.
How it works
Complete your application
- Complete the application for a payment arrangement.
- If you have not kept up payments on a previous payment order, make sure to explain why you missed the earlier payments.
- Agreeing to direct debit or Centrepay will increase the chance of your application being accepted.
Submit your application
- Send your application to Fines Victoria.
Your application will be reviewed
Fines Victoria may decide to:
- Grant your payment arrangment. They will notify you by mail with information about your instalments and when they are due.
- or reject your application.
Further action
If your application is rejected, you may decide to: