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What does ‘special circumstances’ mean?

Special circumstances means that you could not avoid getting the fine because of your circumstances at the time.

When do special circumstances apply?

Special circumstances apply if, when you got the fine, you:

  • had an  intellectual disability or mental illness including anxiety and depression
  • had a drug or alcohol addiction
  • were homeless or living in unstable housing
  • were experiencing family violence

and as a result:

  • you could not control the behaviour you were fined for
  • or you didn’t understand that you what you did was against the law
Important things to know:

You can get your fines reduced or cancelled

If you have special circumstances, you can have your fines reduced or cancelled.

Get advice

If you think you have special circumstances, get free legal help.

What to do if you have special circumstances

If you think that you have special circumstances, contact your local Community Legal Centre or Victoria Legal Aid for help.

You can also use the letter template below to request a report from your doctor or psychiatrist to help you.

Get free legal help

Request a letter from your doctor or psychiatrist

Request for Special Circumstances Report
Microsoft Word template - 20.52 KB

Please don’t ignore your fine.

If you do not take action by the due date you may have to pay more or go to court.