Get your fine reviewed
You can ask the agency that gave you the fine for a review to make sure that it was correctly issued.
If you think there is a good reason why you shouldn’t have to pay the fine, you can ask the agency that issued it for a review. The issuing agency might cancel your fine, give you a warning, or reject your application.
If you believe there was a mistake made in giving you the fine
If you believe the fine should be given to someone else
If you believe there are exceptional circumstances which mean you should not pay the fine
If you have special circumstances
Be quick
Ask for a review before the due date on your fine. If the due date is passed you might not be able to have your fine reviewed.
Make it count
You can only apply for review of a fine once. It is often a good idea to get legal advice before sending in your application for review.
Keeping your options open
Even if your review is rejected, you can still try your other options later.
How to apply
You can apply for a review by writing to the agency that gave you the fine. The agency’s contact details are on the fine.
You will need to explain why you think the fine should be reviewed. You will also need to provide your current residential address.
There are internal guidelines that agencies should follow when you request an internal review, if they refuse your review they are required to let you know.
We have created a helpful template you can use to apply. Make sure you carefully edit it with your own circumstances before submitting.
You can only apply for review of a fine once, so it is often a good idea to get legal advice before sending in your application.
How it works
Make review application
Write to the agency that gave you the fine, explaining why the fine should be reviewed
- For some fines you can apply for review online through Fines Victoria
Agency reviews fine
The issuing agency may decide to:
cancel the fine
or change the fine to warning
or reject application
Further action
If your application for review is rejected, you can choose to:
pay the fine by the new due date
or ask for payment plan or extention of time to pay
or challenge the decision in the Magistrates’ Court